I took this Jung test about a year ago. I like to think of myself as unique so when I see my personality laid out, like they actually wrote about me, surprisingly I get annoyed. I'm special. I'm unique dang it. I'm just floored at how accurate it is even down to my blatent, type A, bold, organizing, family tree researching, managing geeky self.
The test is a modified version of the Myers-Briggs test.
It's free but to get the full evaluation and meaning of the test you have to pay BUT...I just googled the term that they gave me ESTJ and found many free sites to get the description. Mr. Coffee is an ISTJ.
The test is a modified version of the Myers-Briggs test.
It's free but to get the full evaluation and meaning of the test you have to pay BUT...I just googled the term that they gave me ESTJ and found many free sites to get the description. Mr. Coffee is an ISTJ.
Much in touch with the external environment.
Very responsible.
Pillar of strength.
8.7% of total population.
Much in touch with the external environment.
Very responsible.
Pillar of strength.
8.7% of total population.
Take Free Jung Personality Test
other personality tests found at similarminds.com
Oh, and you have to leave the link or result in comments if you take this.
Pretty please??
I'd love to know your I-E S-N F-T J-P type (to humor the psychologist wannabe in me)
Oh, and you have to leave the link or result in comments if you take this.
Pretty please??
I'd love to know your I-E S-N F-T J-P type (to humor the psychologist wannabe in me)
INFP all the way, baby!
Thanks Em, it's been a while since I've taken that test! (I've gotten more social in my older age ;)
INTJ, although only the "I" and the "N" are particularly strong. I've taken the test before and ended up being INFP, so who knows? Interesting stuff, though.
I have taken that test so many times over the years, and I don't always get the same result. Not sure what that means. I'll see if I can dig up old results (rather than have to take the test yet again) (they stress me out because i have a hard time picking the "right" answer and I can't bear the thought of picking the "wrong" one) (and shouldn't they be able to pick out my personality type based on that characteristic alone?)
I am an ISFP for whatever it's worth. Analyze away. Peace and God Bless, Mike.
That Mr. Coffee is great.
My score basically said I'm a loner. I think I've reached an age where I don't want to be bothered. All those years of stabbing people in the back just for money, but I've changed my ways.
ahh here is the link to what mine came up with...
I don't know what this means, but that is what I got. :)
INFP here. :-)
Scarily accurate,and I didn't want to own all of it. I am, however, not illogical! That's a fact, Jack! ;-)
My results went as follows:
You are lazy. You are too much of a bum to even take the 100+ question quiz. Like you have anything else better to do. I know you do not. You are just going to sit there and watch TV while eating Goldfish crackers. Bum. Get a friggin job.
Pretty accurate!
I will have to do this later, as I am up in the middle of the night and not seeing straight!
ESFJ :o)
INTP...That test confused me...I might have smoked too much crack today.
I tagged you on my blog. You're it!
Your type is: ISFP
ISFP - "Artist". Interested in the fine arts. Expression primarily through action or art form. The senses are keener than in other types. 8.8% of total population.
I'm an ESTJ just like you! I was actually surprised to see the result, but as I thought about it, I guess it's actually pretty accurate. Funny, huh?
ESFP. Did it seem like they kept asking the same questions? Was that a test of how inconsistent you are?
is this a test?
INFP, although I was 50/50 for Feeling/Thinking. Seems similar to the last time I took it (a few years ago).
I came out an ESTJ, I will have to dig out the one I did in my personality theories class and see how it compares. I find it hard to pick an answer on some of these
Just sent you and email with a detailed report ;) I'm an ESFJ...If McBunni wants to know more have her link to those sites I sent you....she is a Guardian/Protector.
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