23 October 2008

Blueteeth Gone Wild

I ordered a new G1 phone and have to purchase a bluetooth headset. Anyone have an affordable one they recommend?

I'll forgo the assimilation with the 'resistance is futile' and all, but there has to be a headset that is fairly comfortable, easy to use, and all without making the user look like an idiot. I'll be standing next to a woman in the grocery line. Business as usual and all of a sudden she'll belt out, "Well, that sounds great! I'll see you at home by 6:30."

Was that her OB/GYN?

Our state laws require hands-free phone devices. It's an outstanding idea however, why don't double-cheeseburger stuffers and cigarette smokers have the same type of laws? Isn't talking on your cell much safer than navigating a vehicle while holding a cancerous plant that also happens to be on fire?

Lastly, a shout out to Sweet Juniper, who is now going in my official blog stalker shrine as Favorite New Read. If you prefer dry humor and outstanding writing, I'd highly recommend reading. This post on an abandoned school left me in awe and this one on school pictures made me laugh outright.

~Bee is turning 4 soon.
Listening to: Chopin, lots and lots of Chopin.


Anonymous said...

As I drove through town today watching the woman (or maybe a man) in front of me do their hair with BOTH hands while driving (likely with their knees...) Why is my cell phone targeted!

Doozie said...

You? Laughing outright? Wow, thats a SHOCKER

I have a cheap alternative to bluetooth headsets. A nice big rubber band wrapped around your head holding the phone to your ear.

As for people doing stuff whilst driving? I'd be more inclined to be dangerous if I had someone in the car I was visiting with. People make too big a deal over this whole cell phone in the car thing. It's the TEXTING with the cell phone that is the real problem.

Jen - Queen of Poo said...

I finally gave in and got a bluetooth too, but only because I frequently have to talk on the phone to my freaked out daughter while driving. :-P I think they look most stupid when worn in a restaurant or at a bar. Who needs to be THAT available at those times? :-P

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

Everywhere we go in this town, I see blue lights flashing.

(And it's not a K-Mart sale, either.)

I hate the borg look.

Anonymous said...

I just read your last three posts and I'm sure had something brilliant to write about the fabulousness of them, but then I noticed for the first time what's written at the top of the comment box and now I'm sputtering water out my nose. Thank you. No, seriously, thank you, I needed a laugh today.

Anonymous said...

i agree with you 100% on sweet juniper. not to mention how freaking CUTE juniper and gram are!!

Anonymous said...

You make me so jealous. I want a g1 ... but who wants a 2 year leash? Go cricket.

As far as bluetooth headsets are concerned, you're so going to look like a dork, so just pick the one you think is least dorky.

Dapoppins said...

Is that MCain on your side bar?

Okay, now I know what linkies you were talking about.

I want a headset like Picard so I can drink my diet coke and eat my fries, swat the kids, and drive to the grocery store while talking to my bestest friend!

Jo Beaufoix said...

I do not have blue teeth. That would be annoying. And I must go read those posts now.

... Paige said...

TG my bluetooth doesn't look like that!

The Rev. said...

Headset? I'm no help on that front; I still assume people have finally lost their last marble when I see them casually cruising through the aisles of the grocery, seemingly holding conversation with themselves. Eh, call me old fashioned.

Sweet Juniper is indeed a fantastic read! My blog-reading time has, sadly, been getting cut into smaller and smaller chunks of my overall day, but I'm still making an effort to visit my fav's...

4 soon? Yowza! Hats off to you!

Tricia said...

Oh how I wish our state had a hands-free law. Good luck finding the new bluetooth. I always struggle finding on that stays on well with my eye glasses.

Mad Libs Millie said...

What I love are people who check email on their BlackBerrys while they're driving.

*cough* married to one *cough*

Your cigarette description cracked me up. :)

R said...

The rubber band Doozie suggested sounds good to me. I HATE those blue tooth things. Makes you look like a moron. Not you personally, but you know, in general.

And my kids are laughing downstairs and the Girl is snorting. Love it. But that is random and irrelevant.

Jaina said...

I like my headset, it's pretty basic. It's light pink and I got it from the t-mobile store when we got our newest phones.

holly said...

sony. i love my sony. if only i could remember the model number. oh, and i would love to be able to find it. i know i put it around here. it is AWESOME. but i miss it.

i'm buying another one. same model (box is upstairs. if i weren't so *ss lazy, i would go get it.)

Anne said...

I think the headset is a great idea - would love to have one for my home phone. Not sure if I would wear one out in public. But... I don't even have a cell phone, cable tv or satellite.

Anonymous said...

i refuse. i won't play along. no to bluetooth.

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~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe