10 April 2006

vote for Pedro

I usually chat with Dapoppins on the phone about 5 times a week. We share stories, I whine, she listens and puts up with me. She asks me about random topics and we laugh ehm, commiserate, about hairbrushes in the toilet and PBJ murals in the hallway. This keeps us from insanity and road-raging zoloft moments.

I was reading over at Dapoppins blog about those things no one tells you. I have a ton of little things that I store away until an awkward social moment where I whip them out in a Doogie Howser fashion and wow the masses.

Me:"Did you know a bumble bee flies 15 miles per hour at it's fastest speed?"

Others around me: "WOW, I didn't know that! You are so smart"

Me: "Aren't I though? My only problem now is that spell check is ruining my life and they keep making those disgusting Easter Peeps every year!"

In the same spirit of lighthouse efficiency, I started thinking of other little nuggets of joy I could share.

Im officially launching a tidbit day but I need a name.

Yea!! Now before the DJ gets here and the table dancing commences, I need some votes. Place your vote in the sidebar to the right. I will give you the results on Friday (but you can also see them yourself when you vote)

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"One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words."

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe