All the parents say, "Amen!"
On Monday, I decided to reduce my carbon footprint and take a green, earth-friendly walk down to the store with the kids. Fresh air and a good two mile stretch of the legs seemed a good idea, right? Even the youngest, who is 5 can do it. I believe if you can walk the mall with your kids for half a day, then they are perfectly able to walk two whole miles.
One would think from all the bike lanes, that there would be sidewalks along some of the roads we took. They were far and few between, even as we passed the kids school there were more bike lanes than sidewalk. I couldn't believe how many people would roar past in their vehicles. I guess "When Children Are Present" means, "Only If It's Convenient".
The kids were pooped by the time we got to the store. The 5 year old claimed the shopping buggy and started breathing like she was dying. I managed to nurse life into them by resting in the deli and feeding them Lunchables and bottles of water. Lunchables have lots of sodium, so it was good for hydration. I opted for an iced coffee al la Starbucks while thanking God for the people at New Balance who make walking shoes you could marry (but only in Connecticut, New York, and California).
I crammed everyone's backpack with groceries for the trip home. Within two blocks, the 5 year old was declaring she could not go on, in her dramatic-arm-draping-forehead sort of way. I was already carrying the bear's share of the grocery load along with my purse slung over the top of me. I threw her backpack over my shoulders. I knew I'd get laughed at by passing drivers.
I did get laughed at. Cupcakes are apparently hawt and funny.
Plodding along, I was quietly cursing my decision making skills. The 82 degrees pushed us home and the blazing sun made me look more like a sweaty mountain goat than someone doing good things for the environment.
Seriously, I looked incredible. I was yelling at the boys to slow down, and mascara dripping down to my chin. I had four kids ahead of me. My oldest limping from blisters. My damp hair in a sweaty beet red face, and my cupcake backpack boldly trumpeting the latest in motherly fashions.
I promised the kids we'd go swimming when we were just blocks from the apartment. The youngest gained a newfound strength and took over as point man, while booking down the road at a breakneck walk. I nearly dislocated my tomatoes trying to keep up.
Completely unrelated I have to show you my new red shiny shoes. These are so cute, I couldn't help but post them. Talk amongst yourselves....I'll be back after I leave my carbon footprint planted in Mother Nature's backside because next time? I'm driving.
