Tanning Girl says, "Tanning can help rid yourself of acne and eczema. It's relaxing and can give you that sun-kissed look year round!" However.....

Tanning Girl says, "Your tooth will fall out and your face will stick this way if you do not wear protective eye gear and some kind of sun screen.

Tanning Girl additionally cautions, "If you wear protective eye gear you will still get massive sun damage. You will also get crabs from the tanning bed and athlete's foot in your nether regions while imprinting cancer straight into your cells. You will be bald from chemo by 35 but you will look hawt like Paris Hilton for the years preceding your impending death."

Tanning Girl says, "Scrub that when I can do this to you for free as long as you wear your meals for the day on your shirt and can claim to be a "Blue Spotted Snow Leopard".

Tanning Girl says, ".....a Blue Spotted Snow Leopard, either that or Tommy Boy."
~Bee thinks it's hard to take a straight or focused picture when you are laughing so hard.
That's pretty cute and funny at the same time.
A real two for one bargain over here!
Love the spots. And the teeth. Isn't it so sad that their teeth grow in? My Girl has her two front teeth missing (they have been gone for months) and now they are just starting to come in. It makes me sad---like it will take away her little girlness.
Cute, cute girl you have there!
Snort. Giggle.
Ha, thats too damn cute...
she looks kinda creepy with them tannin bed goggles on:)
You made me spit my morning coffee. Now I need to go get a wash cloth.
(cute, HA, people, I think you are missing the point here! This child is hilarious!)
Tanning girl is very wise.
Ha, ha, ha...oh how did you get pictures? So funny : )
Wow... I think that's all that needs to be said here.
Tanning girl is fabulous. And I love 5. The age of gap teeth. Miss E is nearly 8 and her gaps are nearly all filled up. She's at the 'teeth looking a little big for her mouth' stage which is also cute, but gap tooth is adorable.
That is too funny! She looks like the victim of some horrible disease. . . once my two year old stuck mailing labels all over himself--rectangular things -- and got red marks all over his body when they came off. The craziest part is that I took him to the DOCTOR before realizing what it was!!
Brilliant! Both the pictures and the commentary!
Tanning Girl needs her own cable show.
Did she really say "nether regions"? What an impressive vocabulary...
(She's so cute... looks like someone I know :))
How does tanning girl know about crabs? Or is she thinking of the kind you eat? Ewwwww.
I thought the spots were supposed to simulate how sun-damaged skin looks under black light.
Funny stuff!
she's looking more like you everyday
Now THAT is a funny girl!
I have those same tanning goggles! Exactly!
LOL that's great. I think this is not the last we will see of Tanning Girl :).
that is one HAPPY snow leopard!!! and i'm definitely getting dapoppins' point. :)
i have been going to a tanning booth for years (chicks dig it)
....the blue spots fade in time, but the crazy facial expressions don't (trust me, i know)
Even amongst all the goggles, spots and funny faces, I can still see you in her. DNA is a powerful thing.
I am still laughing so stinkin' hard!
Oh my heavens! Ham and a half. (and so nice to see a parents having a good time with their child)
Oh goodness! She looks how I felt after drinking too much at a wedding on Saturday!
Let's see, they're not chicken pox...are they horse pox? :)
Can't stop giggling!
oooh, the very rare "tanning girl spotted leopard"! Wow, I can't believe you found one in the Pacific Northwest!
I love Tanning Girl. She is so cute and funny. This post was wonderful.
I would watch Tanning Girl if she had a cable show and I don't watch tv!
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~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe