22 July 2008

I'm Afraid Not

I recently read another blogger that put up a quick sentence on things she didn't like. I thought it would be a good way to open up comments and make fun of our fears. It's easier to laugh at them than allowing them to rule our lives. Don't you think? Here are some of mine:

I'm afraid of Hammer Pants, pork rinds, crimped hair, cheese in a can, bugs crawling in my ear while I sleep, being out of wine, blue eyeshadow, becoming complacent, tube tops, tattoos that get old and look like they've turn into some grey looking blob thingie, Splenda, intestinal parasites from eating pork, men with 70's esque basketball shorts, menudo (the soup) and tripe, black stalkings w/white shoes, man b00bies, getting so fat I have to use an electric wheelchair to cart my arse around Target, clip on plastic hat visors, yard ornaments cut out like mushrooms and giant granny panties, a Planet of the Apes Weekend Marathon and the grand poobah...The Burger King Dude.

I'd love to know what things make you afraid?

~Bee is also afraid no one will wish Dapoppins a Happy Birthday today!


SheaLuna said...

Burger King Dude is definitely beyond creepy.

Haggis, marmite, people who don't wear deoderant, public transport, queues at the post office, socks with sandals, old men in shorts with their socks pulled up to their knees, people who rush to get in front of you then stop dead (or just slow down to a crawl), thongs sticking out the top of your trousers, crimson lipstick, Porsches, football (UK or US versions thereof), brussels sprouts, and the Blue Rinse Brigade on a day out shopping.

cathouse teri said...

I'm sorry... what was the question?

Hey, do you know the joke about the two ropes that walk into a bar?

Dapoppins said...


Dapoppins said...

OH< and I am also messing with my blog...don't worry, tho, I saved your gorgeous perfect template and if I pop it back in it better be just as gorgeous and perfect as it was before...

And I am afraid it won't be.

I kinda like black stalkings with white shoes...and giant granny panties..however that other stuff--gives me the creeps!

sarahgrace said...

Happy birthday to Dapoppins!
It's my birthday today too!--We have the "privilege" of sharing our birthday with none other than Monica Lewinsky. Hee hee!

Great idea for a post too...may have to do that myself.

brooke said...

Non-fiction books, enchiladas, shirts that are not much more than a scrap of fabric, desk jobs, exercise, lasagna, bugs of any sort, forgetting to bring my phone when I leave the house, having tons of keys on my keychain, couture purses (but only the ones that have the letters all over them... they look like old lady purses to me, all brown and ugly), tiny purses, wearing socks and shoes, summer, balancing my checkbook, not being able to wear sunglasses because I wear prescription glasses, the color purple (the actual color, not the book/movie), weather that's too hot to wear a hoodie, my garage.

Jaina said...

Walmart and Costco (seriously, crazy people not paying attention with large, overfilled carts the size of trucks), ... drawing a blank. I always seem to do that when I'm responding to questions like that. Hey, at least I had one answer, right? That's gotta count for something.

Doozie said...

I'm afraid of bloggers that suddenly quit, and I'm also afraid of bloggers that suddenly stop visiting me. On a more level topic, I'm afraid of life, it sucks

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I can't think of anything. Too busy giggling. You summed it up well.

R said...

The burger king dude haunts me. I don't like him. I don't like him at all.

I don't like coinage.

holly said...

i'm afraid of people who aren't afraid of anything, and people who are afraid of everything.

actually i'm totally afraid of people who have no sense of humour.

Eve Grey said...

um, i kinda like blue eyeshadow. It all started with Boy George see...

Gen said...

I share some of those fears. Some others of mine: mushrooms, raw fish, undercooked hamburger, sharts,...that's where I draw a blank. I guess there's nothing scarier than sharts for me.

Anonymous said...

(reposted just for you)


Why do you force people to sign in? I'd like to kick your big butt.

I hate; when a chick's tag shows, cellulite, hairy ears, bad breath, cell phones in the theater, people who bad mouth the movie Step-brothers which I saw today and it had an excellent message, bad hair, women who don't yell profanities during sex, car salesman, people who steal your ID, the VC's and people who key my car.

Jo Beaufoix said...

They make cheese in a can?? Oh my Bob.

Right, erm, wasps, going bald, spiders laying eggs in my ear, scary trowelled on make up, hairs on toilet seats, wee on toilet seats, black pudding, dog poo, being made to watch 'Saved by the bell', My MIL's kitchen, farting loudly in church or on a train or something, waking up to find all my underwear has disappeared. Spiders.


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~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe