25 February 2008

I Titled This Last Due To Too Much Coffee

You never know what is going to make me laugh.

I am still cracking up over HillaryisMomJeans.com. I found out that Barack Obama Is Your New Bicycle too.

If Obama is elected by this nation would that make it an Obama Nation? Only mad gabbers would know.

I've been tagged for memes and since it's from two of my blogger friends, I must comply. Now Holly loves to tag me so, solely for the purpose of infuriating me as only a friend could, but she is pretty darn cool and lives in the UK (which you must know my infatuation with the UK, by now). Seven could easily drive up here and force feed me Folgers and leave with incriminating photographic evidence that I haven't gotten a pedicure in over a year.

I heart, heart, puffy heart them both. You see now why I have to do this? (and don't you just hate that people actually communicate using "I puffy heart you"? That's like saying I need to go to the drippy plop room. I don't think so.

Here for your ~insert massive dripping sarcasm here~ viewing pleasure, another meme.

Pay attention here and no dozing off.

Have it be known, that Meme, pronounced "meem", means a bit of cultural information, that is shared verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. Also known as something a big time blogger never posts and I end up doing. Is this my poetic fate, meme-ing my way to a book deal? I hope not.

Here I am sharing cultural bits of information by PMS...or MSG, or ESPN. Whatever.

1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open it to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence/ phrase.

HEY! No falling asleep, I'm meme-ing here!

4. Blog the next four sentences/ phrases together with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig your shelves for that very special or intellectual book.
6. Tag five people & post a comment here once you post it to your blog, so I can come see.
6. Consider yourself tagged if you want to.

Dude, I heard snoring.

I had to choose the second book. I broke the rules only because my first book was Barbour County, WV Death Records for 1853-1919. I did not think you wanted the details of small children dying of diphtheria, measles and whooping cough.

My excerpt comes from The City Of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau. This book was recommended to me by my 11 year old, the recommendation of which made me proud.

"Mostly insects," said Doon. He told her about his collection of drawings and the worm he was currently observing. To Lina, this sounded far less interesting than an undiscovered city, but she didn't say so. She led Doon over to the table.

Sweet holy morning breath, there is drool on your keyboard.

Here is Holly's meme, which involved being creative.

1. Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random - The first article title on the page is the name of your band.

2. Click http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3 - The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.

3. Visit http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days/ - The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4.Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together, and post the result.

I know, I know, it's like internet Nyquil but work with me here.

Please click to enlarge rocking new album cover.

photo by szeretlek_ma, used
with permission under CC:BY-NC-SA license

Maybe Mary's Pond will tour with Toad the Wet Sprocket.

Speaking of music, please note my worst playlist ever in my sidebar. I welcome any and all suggestions. If you are looking for music that does not want you to jam icepicks in your ears, try the drop down menu further down.

This concludes my coffee fueled post.


seven said...

Haha! I love the way you went about it. "Drool on my keyboard" is priceless. And I would never, EVER force-feed you Folgers. I wouldn't even inflict that on my worst enemy, much less someone who puffy-hearts me (thanks for that, by the way!). Rock on, and bring on the book deals.

Gen said...

The drippy plop room! LOL! I think I may use that one.

I'm loving your worst ever playlist, hey! I have some of those songs on my VERY COOL playlist. You have just confirmed that I am a true geek. I suspected as much.

holly said...

you know, with your interest in the details of small children dying of diphtheria, i am so glad we don't share a bedroom. was that inappropriate? eh, that's my m.o. today. totally inappropriate. next, i'm going to talk about my scars.

worm observing. now you see i don't think kids get enough worm observing in the books these days. glad the gap in the market has been addressed.

oh you see now you did one better than me. you gave photo credits. i just riiiiipped stuff off. which i ONLY do when people tag me, so really they are accomplices to the crime. that will stand up in court, yes?

and why isn't "the cowboy song" on that playlist?

"i wanna be a cowboy
and you can be my cowgirl."

oh wait, i think there was swearing in it. okay. sorry.

anyway (holly! stay focused dangit!) i love the album. i particualrly loved the song you guys did "love is a four letter word but i think i can name it in three". you can totally rock out to that. someone borrowed my copy, got any spares? i totally think boy george should do a remix of your hits.

right, now *i* have to do drippy plop.

i puffy heart you too. with candy coating. :)

Uncle Joe said...

you have a scissorkick issue with moi?
je ne plus pas au demain.
Bruce Lee non jujitsu nom do terre, pom de terre, jeet kune do.

Jenn said...

Uncle Joe,
You are so we tar dead. Do I have to make you be nice? Don't make me come down there. Tomorrow works for me. I don't think I've scissor kicked Elvis before.

holly dolly,
I know exactly what you mean about worms. I could do a whole post on the merits of worm observing.

You should check out our next hit single, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him wear his speedo" I think it'll be HUGE.
The song that is.

Which song? It's tiptoe through the tulips, isn't it?

Folgers was the worst thing I could think of. I super duper puffy heart you!

krok19 said...


Congratulations, I'm glad you told me you were pregnant. You are very fertile and Mr. Coffee. I'm off to Gymboree.

I hope the pregnancy goes smoothly.

Ed (zoesdad) said...

Dude, I need so much help. I like/own several of the songs on your list and a few bring back some very fond memories of my youth.

Giddy up!

Jenn said...


I said you were damaging the innocence of my inner child, not that my tubal ligation failed after 5 years.

I find it ironic that your name is Krok. Are you full of it, or just related to the McFounder? Either way, I still puff heart you, too.

Jenn said...

zoe's dad,
you snuck in there. I think there are some that are SO bad they are cool. Like who couldn't cut a rug to Muskrat Love and some Afternoon Delight?

MommyTime said...

Anyone who can post something this coherent at 5:17 am is someone I love at first sight. Also? Your album cover seriously rocks. Or contains serious rock. Whatever the metaphor, it looks good and weirdly hangs together pictures with text in a way "random" would seem not to be prone to. Cool enough that I almost want to try it myself...

Jenn said...

I have OCD and rearrange my time on my post. If you notice all my posts end in "7". So it wasn't exactly 5:17, maybe close.

Now, if you still don't think me completely certifiable, then we might be able to ride the bus together and braid each other's hair like puffy heart BFFs. Oh, and you are so tagged cause that's how I roll.

dawn224 said...

okay, I was totally going to mention the Cowboy song - creepy.

Aunt Jo said...

i puffy heart your meme! i was wondering about the song list. it is a little.....um......eclectic! just like you i suppose.

UJ is messing with y'all you know. he is not happy unless he is pestering someone. :o)

Aunt Jo said...

Cool!! Holly's meme is fun!

My band: Montbozen

My album: No Matter How Slow

Cover: A cool picture of a guy splashing water...looks like slo-mo.

Our tour starts tomorrow. We specialize in nasally annoyingly loud songs. We sing to music from earphones. All you can hear is our nasally voices.....and wonder what the heck we were thinking making a band.

The Lazy Iguana said...

You are right. That is a terrible playlist. You must have put a lot of effort into compiling it. I am impressed at the awfulness of it all.

I am not going to do the book meme thing because nobody wants to read a blog post about International and Inland Navigation Rules.

Uncle Joe said...

Fat Elvis is ready for some serious fisticuffs.
Soon as he can get his fat butt out of the ez chair and put down the porkrinds.

Momo Fali said...

Put. The. Coffee. Down.

Jenn said...

It's the ESPN, it's catching.

Kidding a kidder makes it more fun. Like Krok who enjoys shock value comments, but who really is full of, well, a krok.

tell me could it be improved upon?

Uncle Joe,
no way, you didn't tell me it was Fat Elvis. Dude, I can't take him, because the side-burns cushion the blows.

momo fali,
Do I hafta?

Uncle Joe said...

will you be going to Larry Normans memorial service?
I just found out he died.

Jenn said...

No way? Really? Where is it going to be?

david mcmahon said...

Thank you for the warm-hearted, kind comment on my `Wordless Wednesday' picture of the Singapore window shutters.

Great to see so many familiar faces here ....

MommyTime said...

I'll only braid your hair if you let me fasten it with ribbon barretts that I wove just for your in your favorite colors. Of course I know what those are.

Also, I have a little band album cover contest going on my own little blog right now, so I just add this meme to that extravaganza on Monday -- you didn't think I'd do it, did'ja?

Gwynne said...

So much going on here at 5:17 am! What's not to puffy heart?! Your playlist would be perfect if it also included Seasons In The Sun. ;-)

Uncle Joe said...

There will be a public service for Norman at 10 a.m. March 1 at The Church on the Hill, 2707 Maranatha Court SE, Turner.

For more information, go to www.larrynorman.com

He died in Salem Oregon and his public service will be in Turner, Oregon.

Jamie Dawn said...

You got memed! I avoid those, but I don't mind reading other people's meme answers.

Leslee said...

I swear, I only dozed off once!

Happy vacation!

Angela said...

I know! I know! I hate doing them, too! And seeing as how I'm horrifically behind on my blog reading, I should have check a few posts back to see if you'd already done it... which I didn't... and you had. =^) I tend to read other people's victims-of-being-tagged blogs, but never really like doing my own. I knew yours would be an interesting post. I always feel badly, though, when people tag me and I don't follow through. Blog guilt. I think that's an entirely new emotion that psychologists need to start including in their text books.

Hey, if I suffer I might as well make others suffer too, right? Right? Fine. Maybe not.

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"One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words."

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe