02 January 2006

all year

2006 is the best year EVER!!!!!!!!!

Now, we can pull out our 'all year' jokes. Okay, lets just get them out now while I think they are still original..every year.

I haven't slept 8 hours all year!

I haven't made out with my hubby all year!

I have had a cold ALL year!!

You get the idea...

Now, since this is my first new post all year, I wanted it to be funny and make you pee your pants the first time this year, so we hope, but I haven't felt inspired all year with my headcold. So thoughtfulness rules the day..ehmn, year.

I've come to a crossroads in my life and need to go back to work full time, outside the home. Hubby and I have been putting this off but for many reasons we haven't been inspired to face the dilemma, until recently.

These are the 10 reasons I am glad to be a stay at home mom:
  1. No workplace stress.
  2. Avoid road rage....NO, not mine, sheesh!
  3. Save moolah on gas, drycleaning, lunches, clothes, etc...
  4. The laundry is always (being) done.
  5. Dinner can be a culinary delight, thanks to the four favorites: Cooking Light, Everyday Food, Nigella Lawson and Rachael Ray. You cannot go wrong.
  6. I can read so many more books I like.
  7. I am home usually when hubby gets home.
  8. I can blog when I make the time during the day.
  9. I have my own schedule.
  10. Most importantly, more time with the kids!
Now, 10 reasons I have to go back to the workplace:
  1. I want to go back to school and have a good career after the kids leave home.
  2. Better pay.
  3. Save money for kid's college funds (x4).
  4. I really want a mini Cooper.
  5. Hubby's job is killing him which is in turn killing me.
  6. I can talk to people about something other than potty-training schedules, Elmo's World and Giving a Moose a Muffin.
  7. Can put hubby through school to finish his degree.
  8. He can then put me through school to finish my degree.
  9. I can have more than .11 cents in my checking account for the last two weeks.
  10. So the onions in my veggie basket can sprout from being so neglected.

Actually it has been a bit busy around the house and I wanted to see how long it would sprout. It's a softball sized onion! I just loved the green color. I just can't believe it grew all year.

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"One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words."

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe