This was just a sample of our fun-filled weekend. Doozie and I had a BLAST acting younger than our age.
More to come later, need SLEEPY!!
Drinking or eating while viewing this
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Use of continence products is also recommended. I've heard astronaut diapers are all the rage down south.
Thank you.
More to come later, need SLEEPY!!
Drinking or eating while viewing this
slideshow may cause negative effects to person, airways, keyboard, or monitor.
Use of continence products is also recommended. I've heard astronaut diapers are all the rage down south.
Thank you.
PS. Disclaimer: I do not have a profile on yahoo personals although I have heard through the grapevine, there are some stellar photos there that could easily be thrown into this slideshow. I'm just saying...
Uh... woops. Double comment. But hey, now I'm first, second, and third! So NEENER NEENER!!!
Oh. Mygosh. You look... um... lovely... hahahaha. Hilarious!!!
Oh. Mygosh. You look... um... lovely... hahahaha. Hilarious!!!
Whatever you are on, I want some. Mail it to me. But use my fake name and secret non traceable mail drop box. I do not need any heat from the DEA.
Homeland Security must love to spy on my comments. There is probably a guy hiding in your bushes taking photos of your home right now. of those shots looks like a lady I know from Arkansas.
That was fairly horrifying. I can't imagine taking pictures of myself like that, let alone displaying them!
You girls have egos of steel! Or no brains, I'm not sure which.
Glad you had fun! Can't wait to hear! :)
Bwa ha ha!!!!!!!!!.....and I thought my Monday was going to suck. Thanks, Ems!
what teri said!!!
I love what they did with our hair, peeps that hang at the mall are gonna be sooooooooooo jealous
You guys are nuts.
I hate that thing on photo booth. I am too vain to do it to myself.
I love the doozie-horse shot. Want some carrots?
The teeth! The giant eye!
Now I'm gonna have nightmares
Ah, I love Mac's photo booth.
LOL those photos look like ya'll had fun;)
...givin my kids nightmares!
OKAY - I AM DYIN'!!! Those are too funny!
Foxy Ladies!
That was just downright hysterical..I have never heard of doing that...I am unsure if I would be brave enough ;)I have insecurity issues ;)
Those are so cool! You two really are a glamorous duo!
LOL some of those pictures were truly frightening and Doozie reminded me of Amy Winehouse in a couple :).
I just see middle age women aging. Am I missing something here?
Wiping up my desk where I just sprayed my coffee in a fit of laughter.
Thanks for this! I'm sure i'll come back and look at it often!
Yowee! That's impressive!
Girl, where do you find this stuff? You are, as evrah, HILARIOUS!!
wow this is funny
LOL- That is one of the freakiest slideshows I've ever seen.
we are so .....sultry? comes the meat wagon....and the new guys over in the corner puking his guts out
Sounds like you all had a great time, and I'm relieved to see that no one received any Ninja scissor-kicks to the head. Oh, and by the way, it's South with a capital "S". Of course, it's North with a capital "N" but I somehow conveniently forget that rule....
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"One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words."
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe